
About me

I am an Assistant Research Scientist at Johns Hopkins University in the Department of Civil and Systems Engineering. I am currently working on implementing deep learning applications in computational mechanics.

I received my Ph.D. under Dr. Lori Graham-Brady at Johns Hopkins working on developing adaptive surrogate modeling algorithms for efficient uncertainty propagation.

I am currently looking for full-time employment positions.

Click here for my resume


  • Ph.D., Civil and Systems Engineering - Advisor: Dr. Lori Graham-Brady, The Johns Hopkins University, USA
  • M.S., Civil and Systems Engineering - The Johns Hopkins University, USA
  • M.Tech., Applied Mechanics - Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi, India
  • B.E., Mechanical Engineering - Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India


  • Programming: Python, R, MATLAB, Abaqus, Fortran, Tensorflow/Numpy/Pandas/Scikit-learn/Keras
  • Domain knowledge: Deep learning, machine learning, uncertainty propagation, surrogate modeling, design of experiments, sensitivity analysis, high dimensional interpolation and approximation, Bayesian statistics

Research summary

Propagation of uncertainty/variability from input parameters to output quantities in data (simulated or real) is essential for characterizing the underlying system. For complex systems, this requires lots of data, which can be prohibitively expensive. Thus, for effective uncertainty propagation, surrogate modeling is used to construct an efficient mathematical model - characterizing the system with minimal data.
My interest lies at the intersection of machine learning and uncertainity quantification, specifically in developing surrogate modeling approaches using deep neural networks, stochastic collocation methods, etc. coupled with adaptive parameter sampling to tackle problems in fields like solid mechanics, epidemiology, and molecular dynamics.


Deep learning based stress field prediction of fiber-reinforced composite materials

A U-net deep architecture has been trained from scratch for mapping composite material images to stress field images. Sensitivity of different training data combonations has been studied on the prediction results.

Reconstructing random multiphase materials using deep learning

A transfer learning based microstructure reconstruction approach has been implemented using a pretrained VGG19 network. This method is capable of reconstructing large sized images efficiently for large-scale analysis.

A stochastic collocation approach with adaptive mesh refinement

An efficient stochastic collocation method with adaptive mesh refinement (SCAMR) has been developed to deal with high dimensional stochastic systems with discontinuities. The method employs a dimensionality reduction strategy to decompose the original high-dimensional problem to a number of lower-dimensional subproblems.

Composite plate penetration under projectile impact

An adaptive domain-based decomposition and classification method, combined with sparse grid sampling, is used to develop an efficient classification surrogate modeling algorithm for discrete output systems. As an application problem, the probabilistic velocity response (PVR) curve or the V0-V100 curve is generated for S-2 glass/SC-15 epoxy composite plates under ballistic impact.

An adaptive collocation method based on derivative estimates

The proposed methodology tracks discontinuities while also avoiding unnecessary function evaluations in smoother regions of the stochastic space by using a finite difference based one-dimensional derivative estimation technique.

Free energy landscape reconstruction

A modified single sweep approach using space-filled design and weighted reconstruction for generating free energy landscapes.

On the usefulness of gradient information in surrogate modeling

The primary goal is to investigate whether additional gradient information obtained at a relatively small cost helps in generating surrogates of better quality compared to those obtained without any gradient information. The surrogate considered here describes the variation of the homogenized stress at a given input strain as a function of the fiber/matrix interface damage parameters in a multi-fiber reinforced composite model


Google Scholar profile


  • Michael D. Shields - The Johns Hopkins University, USA
  • Mike Kirby - University of Utah, USA
  • Yanyan He - New Mexico Tech, USA
  • Philippe Geubelle - University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
  • Cameron Abrams - Drexel University, USA
  • John Gillespie - University of Delaware, USA
  • Bazle Haque - University of Delaware, USA

Contact Me

Email: anindya07bhaduri@gmail.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/anindya-bhaduri/